The Cataclysmic Creation of Earth’s Moon

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~”We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard” ~ John F. Kennedy

Image of a massive object crashing into Earth: All About Space Magazine

Earth’s moon is a vital factor for life on our planet, and it plays a major role for tides and tilt. However, the origin of our moon has been under debate for some time amongst our greatest astronomical researchers. Moreover, one convincing theory that has arisen in our past century, is the idea that a massive object, similar in shape to Mars, crashed into Earth. This cataclysmic impact resulted in vaporized rock and metal that led to the creation of the circular moon via gravity. This large object has been called “Theia”, and there has been substantial evidence that has given truth to this ongoing theory.

When astronauts go to the moon, they collect rock samples to be researched when they get back to Earth. During one mission to the moon, researchers determined, via the rock samples, that the moon has a similar chemical composition to the moon. This was seen by analyzing isotopes of oxygen, and researchers determined that the oxygen makeup was very similar between Earth and its moon. There is also more evidence that supports this theory. Today, we understand that the moon has a rock composition and is cool on the inside. However, research has showed that at the beginning of its formation, it was actually molten due to the strength of the original impact between Earth and “Theia”. This was seen by a rock called anorthosite, which is a type of igneous rock. The presence of this important rock confirms the idea of an original molten moon. These pieces of evidence helps to support the theory that there was an original, cataclysmic collision within space.

It is very interesting to think about what would have happened if “Theia” never crashed into Earth. As for the lack of the moon, there would be very few tides which would have a strong impact on life within the oceans. Additionally, it would also have a major impact on Earth. The original collision impacted the size of Earth and increased the size of our planet. However, if there was no collision, then the Earth would have been substantially smaller and there would have been a lack of plate tectonics and a weaker magnetic field. All in all, life on Earth would have been significantly different. It is so fascinating to think about the fact that if astronauts never went to the moon, then we would have never had this theory. I hope that in the future, as technology advances, that we will be able to send astronauts to other Worlds within our solar system to learn more about the incredible parts of space!

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One response to “The Cataclysmic Creation of Earth’s Moon”

  1. sabrinaalperin Avatar

    Hi Katie, Thank you for sharing this information! One of the things that I find remarkable is that this cataclysmic event – an event that I would assume to be catastrophic to Earth – actually allowed Earth to grow and allowed for the creation of the moon. Therefore, we should be thankful for this crash because without it, we might not even be here today!


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